
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Southern Florida District Nazarene Missions Convention

WOW!  What an awesome convention!  Listening to Rev. John Haines talk about what God is doing in the Eurasia District was awesome.  He is able to present his messages in a way that really gets your attention.  The theme was "Cast your net on the other side".  The key was the disciples obeying when Christ told them to cast the net on the other side even though they had caught nothing during a whole night of fishing.  Sometimes, in our Christian ministry, we do not see much in the way of results for the work we do.  But, if God has called us to the task, we must stay the course and be faithful.  For the disciples, they did not see success until they did something different but God directed.  Then they were greatly rewarded with God's blessings.  If we obey God's call, we may not see results right away, but we must stay faithful.  God will take our faithfullness and bless it.  In the story, the net can symbolize the methods we use to draw people to the Lord.  The net catches many different kinds of fish.  The net does not discriminate against any fish.  All are drawn in.  We too, should not discriminate against those who are drawn in to the Lord.   God values ALL people and wants all to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  That should by our goal too. 
At the convention, they also had a prayer time for us, Rev. John Haines, Wes Chambers, and Amanda Pound.  All of us are in or entering into a new stage of serving our Lord.  God's presence was stongly present during that time.  Thank you, God!  We covet prayers during the time of transition. 
It was sad to know this is the last Southern Florida District's Mission convention we will be attending for a while.  But again, we are excited about what lies ahead.  God has been so faithful to us.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

God is Faithful

These past few weeks have been a bit tough.  I had sugery on April 20th.  I debated about whether I should have the surgery or not.  It turns out according to the doctor I was wise to have it when I did because, though there was nothing seriously wrong now, there were several issues that could have become serious within a short period of time.  At least this way, I was able to have the doctor I knew and trusted do the surgery.  God has been faithful through it all.  I am recovering well, but slowly.  There is so much to do, and I have little strength to do it. We really only have a little less than two months left to clean out and get ready for the move.    Please pray for us that we will be able to accomplish all that needs to be done.